Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Lake Lovers

Gabriel has been able to express emotions at about 22months. When he was having fever, Ying sang a sad song and he started to shed tears. He's also able to express dissatisfaction. When he's unable to get what he wants, he would say a very firm "bad!", and then put on a sulky face and say "sad" with his head bowed down. His mummy is most happy when given a kiss as a sign of love. He would kiss eye's closed with lots of "feelings"! This picture was taken at Taiping Lake Gardens. We stopped by on the way back to Ipoh for the Raya holidays. More photos at

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Alien Abduction

I was a victim of "Alien Abduction" on 15-Oct-2007 after the Raya holidays. It started with high fever. Then, as a reaction to their presence in my body, blisters started to form all over my body. The alien lifeform was identified as Varicella zoster. War was declared. Counter-attack was undertaken in the form of a biological weapon: Acycloguanosine, which causes chain termination in the alien DNA. I was quarantined from all human contact for 2 weeks.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Gabriel's Development at 18 months

Time flies. Our Little Gabriel has reached 18 months old. We were eagerly waiting for him to reach 18 months old as people say kids will be able to play longer and sit still longer. However, this is not what we observed. He is more active, energetic and curious compared to previous months.

He's now more difficult to control as we can’t carry him if he doesn’t want to. He would lift his hands up and slip through our grip when we try to carry him. He is strong!

He is very cute now and always tries to speak new words. Whenever he learns up a word, he will speak it frequently. His favorite word is “car”. His favorite toy is also the “car”. Besides “car”, he is also able to speak words like berry (strawberry), nana (banana), up, teat (pacifier), cup, pen, ba (bus), A, M, O, foot, book, go, ket (basket), ball, baba, mi, po, gung, ma, pa, yiyi (aunty), bak bak (uncle), bi (Baby), and etc.

Sometimes he is shy when he meets strangers. He will start blinking his eyes and look down. Ha! Ha!

Sometimes he will keep saying “ Huh? Huh? Huh??” and he will look at you very innocent! This makes us laugh!!!

Gabriel boy, you are so cute and we love you! - Mi and PaPa

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Berry Nice Time

Gabriel loves to eat strawberries. He calls them, simply, "berry". There is no stopping him when he sets his eyes upon them in the supermarket or in the refrigerator. So we took Gabriel to Cameron Highlands on 30-Apr-07 to have an experience plucking strawberries right from the plants. He plucked and ate to his heart's content. He had a berry nice time!

I got you

Photo Album

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Walk with Mommy

Gabriel started to walk at 13months. He’s seen here walking with mommy at the lakeside – first time outdoors. Still curious about his new shoes. We had to hold his hands as he was still wobbly.

Gabriel walking at 13 months

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Down but not out

Gabriel fell sick for the first time on 21-Sep-06, just one day short of 10months old. He was down with flu and fever. He cried at 1:00am. Mom gave him the pacifier but he just spat it out. Mom realized that he has difficulty sucking the pacifier because he can't breathe properly. Poor Gabriel! It is like being stoppered all up. I took leave in the afternoon after getting to know from Ying that he has fever. Upon reaching home, Gabriel greeted me with the usual enthusiasm. He felt a little warm but was still running around (legs as well as his nose) in his walker. His appetite was normal too. He is still hyperactive as before. Anyway, mom and I took him to a clinic for medication. Mom asked Gabriel to tell the doctor, "Doctor, doctor, make my nose walk, not run".

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Gabriel at 9 Months

1. Crawl on 4 limbs
2. Sit up straight
3. Can say papa and mama
4. Growth of upper center incisor

Words he recognizes:
1. Flower
2. Clock
3. Washing Machine
4. Fridge
5. Feather (of dream catcher)
6. Bird
7. Rabbit
8. Cat
9. Dog
10. Switch
11. Balloon
12. Egg
13. Apple

Gabriel sitting on potty

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Great and Grand

Gabriel met his Great-Grandma for the 2nd time on 1-Sep-06 (1st was at full moon celebration). When asked to sit with Gabriel for a photo, Grandma hesitated. After some persuasion, she straightened her blouse and hair neatly and sat with Gabriel. Gabriel is still quite sensitive to strangers and would burst into tears at the slightest strange feeling. We would be very careful with visitors advising them not to directly talk to him or carry him. But with Grandma there was a natural bond. Grandma was able to connect with Gabriel effortlessly. I am happy that Gabriel could meet Grandma as she is the lone surviving of the great and grand generation in my family.

Gabriel sayang Great-Grandma

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Gabriel's Baptism

Gabriel was baptised 19-Mar-06 at Church of the Risen Christ, Air Itam by Rev. Fr. Augustine Wong. Bart and Angie are now uncle-auntie-cum godparents.

Gabriel following the readings


Group photo

Monday, March 05, 2007

Bridge No.2

Bridge at Port

Travelling back to Ipoh on New Year's Eve, I was caught in a crawl on the Penang Bridge. Nothing much to do sitting in the car, I started to gaze at the horizon when I spotted a bridge that looked like the Penang Bridge. This bridge is located near the mainland port. Has anyone been on that bridge? One fine day I'll try to get on that bridge and take a photo of the Penang Bridge from there. :-)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Gabriel's 1st Christmas

Gabriel at 4 weeks

Gabriel is 1 month old 22-Dec-05. His full moon was celebrated on Christmas eve at East Ocean Restaurant with family and friends. Mom had told him about the occasion the night before, "Little Gabriel, tomorrow you are going to a party, you must be a good boy, you must show off!". A good show it was. He stayed awake delighting the guests and then fell asleep as we ate - such an angel.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Birth Announcement

It is with great joy to announce the arrival of our baby boy!

Name: Gabriel Cheah
Date of Birth: 22-Nov-2005
Time of Birth: 15:07HRS
Weight: 3.5kg (7.7lbs)
Delivery: Caesarean Section

Our Sleeping Child (Photo Credit: Uncle Bart)